
Psychasthenic psychopathy

Psychasthenia or psychasthenic psychopathy - a pathology for which tend to excessive samoanalizirovanie. People exposed to this personality disorder, placing excessive demands to themselves, they are very self-critical and have low self-esteem. Despite the fact that psychasthenia considered a pathology in the disorder ICD is not included in the list of diseases. However, the classifications mentioned two conditions equivalent psychasthenic psychopathy - anxiety and obsessive-compulsive social anxiety disorder.

On the way to the goal psychasthenic fear of defeat. In this regard, they do not commit spontaneous, reckless behavior. Furthermore, they differ hesitation in decision making, and the expressed pedantry. Before proceeding to action, they develop a detailed plan, which is exactly trying to follow. Once drafted a detailed action plan, psychasthenic begin hard to move to the target. If their plan something breaks, they get lost and can in this state to abandon the activity. The main motive psychasthenic - this is not the desire for success and avoiding failure.

Most psychasthenic - a well-read, educated people who, in spite of a strong intellectual base, do not like publicity. In situations where their performance, they are even in perfection owning all the information we are able to forget her. They were hard to make decisions. Before you choose a path, they are asking for help and support, but the only people they trust. Symptoms of the disorder include selectivity in choosing friends. Circle of communication psychasthenic limited. They communicate only with trusted people. With strangers they do not like to talk for fear of being misunderstood and being branded as incompetent.

Psychasthenic peculiar petty pedantry and punctuality that irritate their environment. However, they are compensated for hard work, reliability and punctuality. Usually these qualities and are used by colleagues, that stress psychasthenic their problems. In addition, such persons have a high suspiciousness to the state of his health, which over time may degenerate into a reactive depression. Psychasthenic peculiar to the development of various phobias.

Symptoms psychasthenic found in children in the early school. However, some symptoms such as anxiety, manifest in early childhood. In junior high psychasthenia it manifests itself in the form of a weak mechanical memory, which causes difficulties in learning. These children are constantly double-check their work and so lagged behind other students. In public statements they sensitive to assess others.

At older ages, analytical skills allow them to achieve the desired result. They manage to get to the bottom of his mind, a good deal of the material and logically summarize the material studied. Intellectual talent and developing them into adulthood.

Psychasthenic often face problems in establishing contact with the opposite sex. With peers converge slowly, selecting to communicate only those who do not bring their suffering. Symptoms in adolescents psychasthenia manifested in the avoidance of participation in group activities.

The main role in the development of the disorder is predisposition. Exogenous factors are only beginning psychasthenia provoke and aggravate its course. This fact distinguishes psychasthenia from neurasthenia, which develops in people in the "empty" place under the influence of adverse circumstances. With regard psychasthenia, the experts say that the origin of the disorder is influenced by upbringing and moral situation in childhood.

According to scientists, the basis of the disorder is psychasthenic character. IP Pavlov believed that psychasthenia is a derivative of a weak general type, combined with the thinking. Scientists describe the nature of occurrence of the disorder, which is based on the weak activity of the subcortex. According to him, in psychasthenic second signal system predominates over the first up and running, as it were, looking up from her.